Proposals for initiatives and funding. Please use this template.

Title: The foundations of community management

Authors: angyts.eth 🏴#1036

Squad: angyts.eth 🏴#1036

Date Created: 17 December 2021



We hear the words “community” spoken very frequently, yet what does it actually mean when the community organise?

How can we harness this energy for constructive activities?

The community can only properly organise with a strong foundational structure.

<insert graphic of a guy looking at a room full of headless chickens>


As we transition into a web3 world, it becomes an imperative to harness the energy of community members. The energy can be funnelled and crystallised with some infrastructure in place.

Adam Bomb Squad is a project that will live forever, however I don’t live forever. Hence, creating a strong foundation of community leadership and engagement will make our project more resilient.

I propose creating the following structures.

1) Community Voting Structure

The Adam Bomb Squad is meant to be something fun and social. As such, social consensus would be sufficient for 99% of the decisions that the community takes.

The 1% are edge cases, for example if Bobby Hundreds decide to sell us out to Nike one day. These are probably the only decisions that require “on-chain” voting. On-chain voting for the uninitiated means, actually using the Adam Bomb Squad Token that you have in your wallet to vote FOR or AGAINST a particular proposal.

I do not think this would be necessary most of the time.

Community leaders can be nominated and voted in by the community, with some rules on the terms of office and scope of work. With regular change over to avoid concentration of power. The community managers can be granted powers to “create channels” (not delete) and “kick spammers and scammers” (can only kick “normal” members NOT admin and moderators).

A typical poll/vote will look something like this:

Do you think we should have an Adam Bomb Squad party in Decentraland next week?

âś… Yes

âś… No

2) Discord Activities

Discord is a quirky platform, I get it.

However this is where our “home” is right now. I propose closing ALL the sub discord groups and bring back all the ABS related activities back to the main discord channels. now has the ability to assign a role based on specific tokens. For example, if you hold the zombie adam, you can be given the zombie role, which will allow you to access the zombie channels.

Pros: More discord activities, able to manage and concentrate the energy better.

Cons: The general channels might become quite crazy and difficult to follow conversations.

3) Encouraging Voice Activities

There has been a lot of twitter spaces, bomb talks and private conversations. I get it.

However, it will be even better to give a voice to every single adam bomb squad holder, all 8,000 of them. I am sure all of us have a very interesting story to tell how we got here this early.

Voice activities in discord has been strongly correlated with “Net promotion scores” of internet communities. We are humans, we just need to talk and be heard!

The community can hold 2 weekly community calls with the following agenda:

a) Staying safe in crypto and NFT world

b) Alpha sharing

c) Highlight on interesting ABS member personal stories

Community elected leaders can hold office hours for people to just drop in and chit chat.

4) Creating a platform for discourse

Discord is a great place to chat, but it’s poor for keeping track of important discussions.

Typically web3 protocols use this forum called “discourse”.

We can consider using it as well, but it requires funding, as well as a team to moderate it.

Are we at this stage yet?


I respect Bobby Hundreds and Ben Hundreds for their work, and what they have done for all of us.

However, the body of work required to “make this work” is beyond the capabilities of a single person, a team or even a company. What we are BUDLing in the web3 world, requires the help of every single Adam Bomb Squad holder.

We are still very early, we have to get our ABS squad ready to care about things that matter to them.

The only way a web3 protocol dies, is when people don’t care anymore, and people don’t show up to have their voice heard. No, you don’t what to go there, and you don’t want to know my battle scars.

There should be no conflict of interest between Thehundreds company and the Adam Bomb Squad Community.

There should be strong alignment with what Bobby Hundreds want to achieve and this paper, if I understood what is written in his book correctly.


We would like a platform, perhaps a discord channel for “voting”, that is gated by the BOMB SQUAD role.

We would like nomination and election of community leaders with the following discord roles: create discord channel and kick members (Not admin, Not moderators, Not bombassadors).

We would like ability to link verification with specific Adam bomb characters, require someone to be working on this.

(Optional: only if there is consensus: To pay for subscription of discourse).


Discourse subscription only if there is community consensus.




We can measure “Net promotion scores” before and after these implementations.

We can measure discord server metrics, and chart voice activities.


Immediate action items, should this proposal be accepted


Who you are & disclose your interests with making the proposal

Angyts is a family doctor and community manager at the BanklessDAO. He has a bag of adam bombs that he would pass on to his grandchildren. He has a vested interest to make Adam Bomb Squad one of the best NFT projects out there.

POLL (Discourse Post Usage Only)

Add a poll with a clear for or against position (e.g., Approve/Reject or Yes/No). You can include a “support direction, but needs improvement” option, but that will be counted as a Reject/No vote for any funding purposes.

Include links to any other polls that have been conducted, such as discord polls to gauge support.


I support the above initiatives

I do not support the above initiatives
